Version History

Find information about Atlas's Release History here.

Atlas 1.4.0

Released 4th October 2024

Added Support:

  • Profile added for L'Acoustics L-ISA.

  • Support added for TTA Trackers.

  • Support for 128 Objects across two DS100 devices.

  • Hubble Integration for Trackers.


  • Improved Midi implementation and efficiency.

  • Midi IO presentation to the system.

  • Shapes or Position modules that have an infinite repeat will now be started in Standby-Selected.

New Features:

  • External devices will now take default port and icons when they are populated.

  • More Symbols for External Devices

  • Midi is now available for External Devices.

  • When changing OSC Profiles you'll need get an option to update all the TX ports to the devices default.

  • Palette Detail view will now show when a module in that cue is ignored.

  • Boundaries can now be applied to multiple tags at once.

  • You can now create Multiple Tracker Patches at once.

  • Objects are now drag and drop onto Tracker Tags.

  • Palettes now appear in the Cue Matrix.

  • Warning now appears when deleting objects.

  • Circles can now unlock axis making them into an Ellipse

  • A new Shape Reference is available for Shape Modules allowing more control over shapes that are currently running.

  • Spaces size and positioning can now be adjusted with drag handles in Show Settings.

  • Cue Matrix allows batch removal of External Devices.

  • External controllers now respond to Bundle OSC messages.

  • Right click on an object in a cue will now allow for selecting all objects.

  • A Timecode Frame Rate can now be set allowing for formatting and validation of Timecode values.

  • OSC can now set the Project Tempo to a known BPM.

  • OSC can now be used to assign the Overview background.

  • OSC can now be used to change Sets selection in the Overview.

  • Operator Cue list selected cue will now highlight even when the window doesn't have focus.

  • A new Clamp Timecode button that will clamp triggers to new frame rates.

  • More Control over removal of Cue Colours from the menu.

  • Palettes can now be deleted with multi selection

  • Palettes can now be copied and pasted across files.

  • Position Modules with a drawn path now have the option to repeat.

  • When adding a new image to a empty background, the background image will be auto named.

  • You can now duplicate backgrounds for spaces.

  • Loudspeakers now appear in the programmer view.

Fixed 🛠:

  • Bug where seamless in random shapes wouldn't save.

  • OSC ADM will continue to listen when you change profiles.

  • Spread modules would show incorrect names when using a palette.

  • Bug that could cause a crash when editing a shape module in the cue matrix.

  • Tap Tempo now only displays to whole BPM Numbers.

  • Minor Bugs in shape References.

  • Other minor improvements When importing from a .dbpr file we will now show objects without names.

  • Windows not maintaining their title when being saved.

  • A bug that in certain situations not all workspace windows would close when the main workspace document was closed.

  • Bug in the timecode editor for the cue inspector.

  • Bug that could cause the Device A Network Interfaces to not be recalled correctly.

  • Bug in Standby Selected for external devices that could cause them not to output.

  • Live moves showing when you use a shape module with a type of reference

  • Shape Reference for a stop ignoring pre-waits.

  • When pasting a module with a pre-wait if the object doesn't exist in the new cue the pre-wait will be pasted. when standing by for a cue sometimes the move in mutes wouldn't be correct for shape modules.

Atlas 1.3.6

Released 2nd June 2024


  • Minimum system requirements are now macOS 13 (Ventura)

New Features:

  • Support for ADM as a Spatial Device.

  • An Operator cue list that responds to the midi inputs can be found under Window menu item.

  • A new "Show Selected" button in the editor window thats the equivalent of holding Control.

  • When holding Control or "Show Selected" is enabled in the editor reference objects will also now hide.

Fixed 🛠:

  • Longer cue numbers truncating.

  • Palette Values updating now update live in the inspector.

Atlas 1.3.5


  • Only Trackpads or Apple Mouse can be used to pan around the views without holding CMD.

  • improvements to editing durations, cue names and numbers.

New Features:

  • Spaces can be updated without the need for Array Calc.

  • Duplicate multiple cues from within the Cue Matrix.

  • Adds Cut/Copy/Paste to Cue Matrix.

  • Objects & Spaces can now have a height.

  • Speakers now appear in the boundary view.

  • Objects can have a boundary applied to plotted positions that can be overridden within a cue.

  • When opening a file that cant be decoded properly the document will close automatically and a warning will show.

  • Cue Matrix can now assign backgrounds to cues.

  • External Devices can now support multiple messages.

  • A greater level of control for background images in scale and position

Fixed 🛠:

  • UI Updates for macOS Sonoma

  • Previewing a module in some cases would show the preview countdown.

  • Controller ADM Cartesian now outputs a height for the z value.

  • a bug that would show objects in the palette inspector if they weren't needed.

  • When making a new cue Atlas could create a cue with a matching number.

  • Issues with the Spread textfield in the overview when connected to a live device.

Atlas 1.3.4


  • The Module inspector now expands to under the Overview.

  • Drawing a single position will no longer set the module duration to 0.

New Features:

  • Ability to Duplicate cues and modules.

  • Live data for Spread,EnSpace and Mode are shown in Quick Actions.

  • Visualiser mode allowing Atlas to display incoming OSC.

  • Output for Spatial Device now have the option to be scaled.

  • Modules can now be added when selected on the Object in a cue.

  • You can now edit & play a position module from clicking on the object if you only have one in the cue.

  • New styles available for the Object Overview

  • Dynamic Spread in X-Mirror now has a safe area where the spread will stay consistent.

  • Dynamic Spread Palettes

  • In the group configuration window you can now update the parent position from its absolute position.

  • Group colours can now be applied to children.

  • Adding a set into a palette, if the set contains a group the children will be added.

  • Arrows for fine adjustments of background images now available.

  • Groups will now how mixed status for children in the overview popover

  • Groups will show the child count for children that are currently under control in the overview popover

  • Speakers can now be viewed on the space configuration page

Fixed 🛠:

  • Position textfields will now update all selected position modules in the inspector.

  • A bug that could allow return character in a pasted object name.

  • Views being able to zoom into negative space.

  • Bug that could cause new outputs to be added instead of updating names.

  • View & Performance updates.

  • When adding a module if the object isn't in set that is being filtered the viewing set will be changed to all

  • Static Spread view being able to pan/zoom.

  • A selection bug when holding shift in the object picker for groups.

  • Position Palettes now save the background image for configuration.

  • A bug that could cause groups with palettes to not set back their children correct with StandbySelected

  • A drawing bug for groups that wouldn't show children correctly if using palettes.

  • A bug where renumbering from the cue matrix wouldn't format to 2dp.

  • a bug where the Overview controls for Groups wouldn't apply to children.

Atlas 1.3.3


  • Auto-Reference will now only work for objects that have parking enabled.

  • Reverb Level faders are now logarithmic

  • Boundaries have moved into the Spaces Tab

  • Atlas Midi port will now just appear as `Atlas`

New Features:

  • A new Palette detail view showing which cues are using the Palettes.

  • A new Palette `Capture Live` button that will take an objects spread, EnSpace send and Mode into a palette.

  • A new filter button that can quickly filter objects on the Overview.

  • Dynamic Spread now supports `X` and a `X-Mirrored` and Radial.

  • New `Cue Only` Button for palettes object and output assignment.

  • You can now update references based off previous cues in the cue matrix.

  • Palette view improvements.

  • Objects that don't have Parking enabled can now have a duration, if they do Atlas will move the object from its current location to the plotted.

  • A new TimeCode capture button in the cue inspector and the CueMatrix context menu.

  • A new Ignore option in the context menu for Cues.

  • Copy & Paste for Dynamic Spread

  • Ability to select objects for a `Capture Live` Palette

  • When running Dynamic Spread, live updates in the editor will take affect.

  • Cue Matrix can now batch renumber

  • Reverb Mapping for External Controller

  • ADM OSC Format for External Controllers

  • A Secondary Tracker Server is supported for ZacTracks

  • When configuring children in a group you can now click and drag on the child.

  • The ability to set the space for all groups.

  • A New Random Shape with ability for Tails

  • Random Shape has support for BPM either a manual tap, OSC or Midi trigger.

  • Cross Hairs now appear when dragging on the overview.

  • You can now import Cues that are Tab Separated, Number/Name - This allows for copying QLab cue Numbers/Names and importing into Atlas.

  • You can delete cues from the cue matrix

  • Cue Colours can be edited from the Cue Matrix.

  • Palette Detail view will now show markers.

Fixes 🛠:

  • A reposition bug caused with a position module and a shape module in the same cue.

  • A bug causing a parent with parking enabled to not auto reference children when making a new cue.

  • when changing the palette in a cue the inspector will now select the new default preset rather than leaving the picker blank.

  • Minor UI updates

  • Bug causing spread module to not override dynamic spread if a position module was present.

  • A Small bug when trying to redraw shapes if they are running.

  • A bug that would cause dynamics to not apply if imported from array calc object.

  • small bugs in the Cue Matrix

  • Sleep All Tags will work when mode is Wake & Sleep on Park.

  • A bug in External Devices Populate dropdown that could cause Wildcards to have the same IDs.

Atlas 1.3.2


  • The default Yamaha PM Range Scene Recall OSC have changed to match newer firmware.

  • Objects with SpatialIDs that are greater than the profiles maximum number of objects wont output OSC.

New Features:

  • Dynamic Spread can now be enabled on Spread Modules

  • Cue number that match and aren't 0.0 will display in orange.

  • Ability to handle scaled tracking data.

  • Speakers can be viewed on the Overview (Re-import of Array Calc is needed)

  • Output Sets can have colours that will be applied to the speaker overlay

  • A new relative offset for group configuration.

  • Undo support for group configuration

  • A new `Force Offsets Live` for quick manipulation of groups, found when editing groups.

  • A new Palette details view showing which cues are using the Palettes.

  • A new filter button that can quickly filter objects on the Overview.

Fixes 🛠:

  • Bug causing Device C to not show as Online.

  • An issue where Spatial Devices wouldn't connect with the automatic interface.

  • Viewing multiple shapes will now dim non selected.

  • Adding new shape modules or changing shape types will now centre the shape in your selected space.

  • Changing the IP of Device C would temporality cause device B to go offline.

  • a bug where standby selected wouldn't set alias names.

  • a bug where deleting the last module for an object in a cue where the module is ignored wouldn't delete the object from the cue.

  • Small background improvements

  • Issue causing StandbySelected where ignored cues wouldn't be counted as ignored.

  • Overview and Programmer view improvements for toolbar controls.

  • small background bugs that could lead to a crash.

  • A reposition bug caused with a position module and a shape module in the same cue.

Atlas 1.3.1


  • Atlas now has a `Live` view allowing you to see the Quick Select and Overview in the same window.

Fixes 🛠:

  • Bug causing Device C to not show as Online.

  • An issue where Spatial Devices wouldn't connect with the automatic interface.

  • Viewing multiple shapes will now dim non selected.

  • Adding new shape modules or changing shape types will now centre the shape in your selected space.

Atlas 1.3.0

Released 19th January 2024


  • Atlas no longer imports Rotated Array Calc Position Planes.

  • Atlas will communicate to all DS100 in Meters rather than scaled vectors, this means the only importance of the Mapping Plane relates to External Controllers if they require it.

  • This build will automatically migrate all positions and spaces, if you were working with space that contains a rotation that isn't 0,90,180,270 you wont see your previous space inside of Atlas. We will apply the rotations where possible then remove the rotation from your space.

  • The Move in Mute Colour on Objects is no longer red to avoid confusion with an objects being muted.

  • The Overview now has a purple border around it making it easier to distinguish between the programmer and the overview.

  • External Controllers Networking settings can now only be changed when the device isn't enabled.

  • What used to be called `Assign Object References from previous cue` is now called `Assign Object References from previous cue`, perviously Assign was only additive where as now update will remove objects references that shouldn't or cant be referenced in that cue.

New Features:

  • You can now pan around views.

  • When drawing in a position module using Shift now repositions the drawing, CMD is used for panning around the view.

  • External Controllers in the Atlas Profile can now lock, locate & hard locate on the controller port

  • External Controllers using the Atlas Profile can now use Split x/y for Atlas Positional Strings

  • External Controllers can now control locked objects.

  • Shapes now support undo.

  • Editing a point in a position module will now register an undo.

  • You can now create module under the context menu of an object in a cue.

  • Spaces and Background can now be reordered.

  • External Devices can now name the value textfield by using `#Name#` where Name is the displayed parameter name.

  • External Device strings now support up to 3 wildcards `#` and up to two Iterations fields `[]`

  • New OSC Trigger View in Settings

  • Tracker IP and Profile settings have move to a new `device` tab in Show Settings.

  • Duplicate Network Interfaces with different IP Addressed will now show as a single interface but show both addresses in the network interface pickers.

  • A new `Automatic` Network Interface option is available so you don't have to choose interfaces.

  • Outputs can now have belong to a set, these can be auto generated from your function groups.

  • Change logs can now be viewed from the `about` window offline.

  • Position Palettes can now be reordered.

  • Textfields for position modules start and end locations now have the option for scales or metered inputs.

Fixes 🛠:

  • Selected a referenced object will keep the inspector spacing.

  • Children of Groups now work correctly in Auto Park Layouts.

  • When adding a new cue only objects that can be parked will be auto referenced into the cue.

  • Position Modules that have a path drawn can now have a duration of zero, you can now edit this time.

  • Position Modules with a time of zero will now go to their end location and not start.

  • A bug causing the modules to stay selected when selecting a cue.

  • Multiple messages to an external device will now playback for Standby.

  • All wildcard values are carried forward in a external device module copy and paste.

  • Bug causing textfield names not to show in a external device inspector if the OSC path has no arguments.

  • External Controllers that require multiple messages will now be sent as a bundle.

  • Catch radius not always drawing the in correct location

  • Overwriting Objects from an Array Calc Import will now update names correctly.

  • A bug caused rotation offset by selected multiple shape objects at once.


Released 14th November 2023

Fixes 🛠:

  • A bug causing atlas to think it was closed when minimised

  • Tracker Improvements

  • Background improvements

  • Default Boundaries for Tags are now saved.

  • Removes comma separation from Tracker Patch


Released 10th November 2023

New Features

  • Pressing Delete on an objects header will remove it from the cue.

  • Select all now works with external devices and Palette Modules.

  • You can now select all modules of the same type for that object.

  • Creating a Module from a Reference will now take the alias forward.

  • Atlas will stay open with no windows

  • Error messing around the ports has changed, you now get a yellow banner if multiple workspaces are open and you can quickly toggle between then.

  • If a workspace isn't active, it wont respond to OSC, or Midi and its outputs will be disabled. IE the workspace can be used for referencing and programming.

  • Secondary Patches for Tags

  • Ability to Sleep/Wake Tracker Tags on actions and via OSC.

  • By default when enabling a tracker its on completion will be `Leave Active`

  • Automatic Tag Refresh rate detection.

  • Groups now appear in the Object Overview.

  • Warning if you open an Atlas file in an older version that what it was previously saved in.

  • DiGiCo Quantum OSC Presets added.

V 1.2.5 changes the OSC strings for trackers. Please see relevant section for documentation.


  • Ignored cues wont be triggered via OSC.

  • Improved context menu for single and multi selection.

  • Default short name will now show 4 characters

  • Tracking Objects Wrap in the patch view.

  • Bug that required a file to be reloaded in order to output External Controllers.

  • UI Updates around configuring Tags.

  • Context menu for the module list if running MacOS Monterey

As a general rule it is not advisable to open a file in a version older than the one in which it was created.


New Features

Pressing Delete on an objects header will remove it from the cue.

Select all now works with external devices and Palette Modules.

You can now select all modules of the same type for that object.

Creating a Module from a Reference will now take the alias forward.

Standby Selected and Force Selected now appear for OSC.


Ignored cues wont be triggered via OSC.

Improved context menu for single and multi selection.

OSC Panic causing undesired issues

Shape Modules not removing the Move in Mute Symbol.


New Features

Rotation Offset View for wanting to spread multiple objects around a circle.

Option to allow OSC Triggers to move the Playhead

Option to allow TimeCode to move the Playhead

Perform shows the Overview and the cue list.


Issue where viewing Background Grids wouldn't always draw correctly.

Issues were inspector selection wouldn't always show correct pre-waits and durations.

Updating Position from Live now shows the Object at the top of the list.

Duration Field is no longer disabled when multiple modules are selected.

Deletion of modules for multi select.

Deletion bugs around Position Palettes

Performance Updates


New Features

Group offsets now have a set from relative/absolute option.

Alias' now appear in the Object Picker, clicking an alias will set the alias in the cue

Alias' can now be searched in the Object Picker

When opening the Object Picker alias for the cue will be displayed

Alias' can now be reordered.

Multi-Select Referenced objects will now allow you to add them to a cue/remove them.

Reference objects can now be delete with backspace and the delete key

Adds One Time Park for Objects that aren't in Atlas.

Holding CMD and clicking in the Object Overview will remove all linked Objects.

Object Overview button is now in the Overview Window


Playback issue if you have a group and a referenced group member in the same cue.

Shape Modules would Move in Mute to their end locations not their start.

Spacing of points along a journey might not be as expected if not looking in the default space.

Origin not showing when configuring backgrounds.


New Features

Controller up to 3 External Controllers keeping them in sync with your spatial engine.

Support for Undo/Redo when drawing boundaries.

Palette Presets can now be targeted via OSC

Atlas will open the most recent file on launch.

Ability to turn off Stabilisation on Tags.

Enable/Disable Tracker Tags can be done globally.

Parking Layouts are now an option to auto generate grids for parked objects.

Disclosure Groups in the Palette Editor are now saved.

Presets for Palettes can now be rearranged.

Group Offsets can now be updated from live information.

En-Space Level send in the overview.

Spread from palettes now gets passed to External Controllers.

En-Space level can be used for groups.


Boundaries adding points incorrectly when not in the default space.

Forced Selected will now enable trackers.

Setting boundaries to space size when not working in the default space.

Performance Updates.

A Clearer indication when adding objects that can be referenced into a cue and you've selected them.

External Controller Port Field used to require Enter button before taking the port, no longer does.

Dragging positions for long periods of time would cause the connection status to blink.

Overview Overlay jumping/disappearing on click.

Group Object config will remember your selected space for editing.

Atlas will compress background images to a maximum of 5mb.

A bug that caused larger file sizes with shape modules in certain circumstances.

Improved Errors around Licence Activation

Boundary views not filling when drawn outside of the space.


New Features

Controller up to 3 External Controllers keeping them in sync with your spatial engine.

Support for Undo/Redo when drawing boundaries.

Palette Presets can now be targeted via OSC

Atlas will open the most recent file on launch.

Ability to turn off Stabilisation on Tags.

Enable/Disable Tracker Tags can be done globally.

Parking Layouts are now an option to auto generate grids for parked objects.

Disclosure Groups in the Palette Editor are now saved.

Presets for Palettes can now be rearranged.

Group Offsets can now be updated from live information.

En-Space Level send in the overview.

Spread from palettes now gets passed to External Controllers.

En-Space level can be used for groups.


Boundaries adding points incorrectly when not in the default space.

Forced Selected will now enable trackers.

Setting boundaries to space size when not working in the default space.

Performance Updates.

A Clearer indication when adding objects that can be referenced into a cue and you've selected them.

External Controller Port Field used to require Enter button before taking the port, no longer does.

Dragging positions for long periods of time would cause the connection status to blink.

Overview Overlay jumping/disappearing on click.

Group Object config will remember your selected space for editing.

Atlas will compress background images to a maximum of 5mb.

A bug that caused larger file sizes with shape modules in certain circumstances.

Improved Errors around Licence Activation

Boundary views not filling when drawn outside of the space.

Last updated