Module Selector

The module selector allows users to quickly select objects for programming actions.

Programmer - Module Selector open showing objects to be inserted into the cue

Accessing the module selector

The module selector is access by clicking on the + symbol at the top of the programmer.

Objects can be filtered by sets or by a given search term to allow easy selection.

Selecting objects to create a programming action.

Clicking on an object will select it for insertion into the programmer. Multiple items can be selected in this way and inserted at the same time.

To deselect an item simply click on it again.

Select whether you wish to take default values or live values for the chosen function.

Click on the required function module to insert relevant programming actions.

Functions Associated with module Inspector

Journey Module

The journey module allows an object to be assigned a movement action within the programmer. Variables that can be assigned are chosen within the Object Properties Inspector.

Spread Module

The spread module allows an objects spread value to be modified within the programmer.

Shape Module

The shape generator allows an object to be moved within given parameters as defined within the shape generator.

Reference Module

The reference module allows an object to be assigned as onstage when using "Park, Move-in-Mute & Live Moves.

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