Import from File - DS100 Mode

Atlas has the ability to import objects, spaces and function group information from within your completed d&b R1 File.


Atlas will show the given co-ordinate points for the spaces as shown in your R1 file.

Import from File

Atlas allows the user to import the positioning plane information from the d&b R1 file.

Assign Space

Allows the user to assign the default mapping plane from the d&b R1 File. The user can select between either "Points Only", "Name & Points" or "All"

New Space

Allows the user to add spaces to the Atlas workspace.


Importing Objects

Click on the required objects will select them for import into Atlas.

Cmd-Click will allow for multiple objects to be selected or import.

Cmd-A will select all objects for import.

Once selection is made click on "Import x Objects" to bring those into the Atlas workspace.

Only objects that are selected for En-Scene mode within the R1 file will show as available objects to import into Atlas.

Outputs & Function Groups

Assigning Spatial Engines

Atlas will display all available spatial engines presented within the R1 file. By selecting from the dropdown each spatial engine in the R1 file can be mapped to an available device within Atlas.

Last updated