Sets / Alias

Sets and Alias's provide powerful programming and data filtering functionality within Atlas.


Sets allow for logical groupings of objects that a user may wish to view, program or control together. They form the basis of a programming tool and, unlike groups, have to direct effect over the objects contained within them.

By default Atlas assigns all objects to a set named "all" that cannot be deleted.

Creating a New Set

Clicking on the "+" sign creates a new set within the window. Sets can be renamed by right clicking on the name of the selected set and choosing "Rename".

Deleting a Set

Right clicking on a selected set and choosing "Delete "set name" will delete the set.

Assigning Objects to a Set

Assignments can be made by selecting an object and then selecting the required set.

Objects can belong to multiple sets allowing for quick programming and views to be achieved. Multiple objects can be assigned to a chosen set(s) by holding CMD whilst selecting objects.

Atlas will display "Mixed" in sets where not all selected objects are members of that set.


Alias's allow for objects and groups to take on different names within the cue structure. They can be used when an object or group may be used for multiple sources that are patched throughout a performance allowing for easy identification within a given scene.

Creating an Alias

Clicking on the "+" sign creates a new Alias within the window. Alias's can be renamed by double clicking on them.

Deleting an Alias

Right clicking on the selected alias and choosing "Delete Alias" will delete the alias.

Each object can have multiple Alias's. As the alias is unique to an object multi select will deactivate the ability to add an alias.

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