
Atlas allows the user to define boundaries when using performance tracking technologies. These can be used to bind objects within defined spaces in performance.

Creating a Boundary

By clicking on the + button in the top left of the window Atlas will create a new boundary.

Clicking within the spaces view will allow the creation of points to define the perimeter of the boundary. As points are selected the interior of the boundary will be shown with the default opacity level.

As points are created they are shown at the bottom of this window. Individual points can be deleted by clicking on the "x" next to the relevant point.

"Remove All" will delete all the given points for the chosen boundary but will not delete the boundary itself.

Whilst there is no limitation on the shape or number of points determining a boundary it is advisable to consider the effect of a given boundary on a tracked object. Regular shapes defining playing spaces may offer better results depending on the spatial audio processors operational mode.

Deleting a Boundary

Selecting a boundary within the boundary list and right clicking on the boundary will present the "Delete Boundary" option to the user.

Functions associated with Boundaries

Boundary Name

Boundaries can be assigned a name for the purposes of identification within the programmer.


The space selector can be used to determine the space and background image within which a boundary is to be drawn.

Set to size of space

By selecting this option Atlas will draw a boundary that conforms to the size of the space. This can be useful if wishing to bind trackers to a stage area as defined within the overall project.

Background Opacity

This slider allows the opacity of the boundaries fill to be adjusted. Moving the slider to the right will reduce the opacity and provide a solid fill colour.


Each boundary can be defined by a chosen colour. This choice effects both the boundary line and fill colour.

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